Mit ODT (LibreOffice) und Jutoh ein E-Book erstellen

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Mit ODT (LibreOffice) und Jutoh ein E-Book erstellen

Bei dem Thema Mit ODT (LibreOffice) und Jutoh ein E-Book erstellen, habe ich folgenden Ansatz gewählt.

Da ich ODT (LibreOffice) nicht benutze, habe ich die Textteile, in denen  ODT erwähnt wird, aus den englischsprachigen Informationen von Jutoh gesammelt bzw. herausgefiltert. Die englischsprachigen Texte in diesem Beitrag sind also alle Zitate. Der Umfang der gesammelten Zitate beträgt ungefähr 30 Seiten (gemessen in Word). Einen Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit dieser Texte erhebe ich nicht, da man immer etwas übersehen kann und/oder jederzeit nachträglich etwas in Jutoh geändert werden kann.

Ferner gehen diese englischsprachigen Texte teilweise über das Thema „Mit ODT (LibreOffice) und Jutoh ein E-Book erstellen „hinaus.

Ich verstehe die Konzeption von Jutoh so, dass neben dem Import einer Word-Datei auch der Import einer ODT-Datei in Jutoh möglich ist. Bei dem Umgang mit einer ODT-Datei sind allerdings eine Besonderheiten zu beachten (siehe unten).

Eine ODT-Datei können Sie an der Dateiendung „.odt“ erkennen.

Ein deutschsprachiges Buch mit 550 Abbildungen zu Word & Jutoh gibt es. Dieses kann auch benutzt werden, wenn man sein E-Book direkt in Jutoh schreiben möchte. Da es aber kein deutschsprachiges Buch zu ODT & Jutoh gibt, ist dieser Beitrag besser als nichts. Vielleicht schreibt ja eines Tages ein LibreOffice-Benutzer ein solches Buch?

Jutoh kann übrigens hier heruntergeladen werden [LINK]

Logo von LibreOffice, ODT wird in LibreOffice benutzt
Logo von LibreOffice, ODT wird in LibreOffice benutzt

Buchtipp bei BoD: Jeder kann ein E-Book erstellen

Jeder kann ohne Programmierkenntnisse mit Jutoh ein E-Book erstellen. Mit über 550 Screenshots. Als Paperback oder als Hardcover.

Das Manuskript in Jutoh direkt erstellen oder von Word nach Jutoh importieren.

Inhaltsverzeichnis, Tabellenverzeichnis, Literaturverzeichnis, Fußnotenverzeichnis, Cover etc. anlegen

[Link zur Leseprobe]

Ein kurzer Hinweis zu Sigil – kein direkter Import einer ODT-Datei möglich

Eine ODT-Datei kann nicht direkt in Sigil importiert werden. Die ODT-Datei muss vorher in eine HTML-Datei umgewandelt werden. Dave Heiland schreibt in seinem englischsprachigen Sigil-Handbuch:

„If you are starting with a document created by a word prozessor, then the first thing you need to do is convert your document to HTML so that you can import it into Sigil. Many other word processors, such as LibreOffice, also have to save as or export to HTML…..“.

Ein kurzer Hinweis zu Calibre Version 3.40.1

Der folgende Screenshot erweckt den Eindruck, dass ein direkter Import einer ODT-Datei in Calibre nicht möglich sei.

Calibre zu importierende Datei auswählen
Calibre zu importierende Datei auswählen

Mir ist es aber dennoch gelungen, eine ODT-Datei, die ich mit Word erstellt hatte, in Calibre zu importieren.

Aber eine Konvertierung zu einer ODT-Datei ist bei Calibre nicht möglich.

Auswahl Zielformate in Calibre für Konvertierung
Auswahl Zielformate in Calibre für Konvertierung

Direkter Import einer ODT-Datei in Jutoh ist möglich


Sie können die ODT-Datei mit Ihrem Manuskript direkt in Jutoh importieren.

In dem Hilfetext von Jutoh mit der Nummer KB0077 und dem Titel “ What import and export formats are available?“ steht nämlich Folgendes:

Jutoh can import from:

Word (DOCX). If you have a DOC file, convert to DOCX using Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or LibreOffice.

OpenDocument Text (ODT). You can convert to ODT using OpenOffice or LibreOffice.

Plain text.

HTML. Some formatting and CSS import will be inexact.

Epub. Again, formatting and CSS import may be inexact.

Allgemeine Informationen zu ODT

OpenDocument Text (ODT): this is the native file format of the free Writer and LibreOffice Writer word processors.

ODT format originally started as SXW (the native format of StarOffice which became and then LibreOffice). Now it’s a recognised international standard and supported in other word processors including recent versions of Microsoft Word. If your word processor doesn’t support ODT, then you can download a copy of LibreOffice or for free and use it to convert from what your word processor outputs, to ODT. You might save from your word processor in RTF, for example, before loading it into LibreOffice or and saving as ODT.

ODT File is an abbreviation for Short for OpenDocument Text file, this is the native format of which is a free download and can be used as a converter between Jutoh and other popular word processor file formats. Recent versions of Microsoft Word can also open ODT files. Jutoh’s recommended file import format is ODT, and Jutoh supports ODT book export.

OpenDocument Text is a word processor format that can be converted to many other formats such as Word and PDF, using for example the free suite, or LibreOffice which is an offshoot of the project. Note that Word itself tends to create more compact .doc files than does or LibreOffice, so you might want to re-save the file using Word if file size is an issue.

Before creating an ODT file, you might like to change the Paper size and margins in your configuration. You can also use the Mirror margins setting if you are creating a printed book, for example via Amazon’s CreateSpace service.

In addition to document-wide paper size and margins, Jutoh lets you adjust page styles for each section in your book, adding headers and footers with page numbers if necessary. If you have an advanced table of contents in your project, this will be converted to an ODT table of contents field with both hyperlinks and page numbers. For more information, please see the topic Creating OpenDocument files for print and PDF in the built-in help, under Jutoh User Guide.

Hinweise und Ratschläge zu ODT aus dem englischsprachigen Jutoh Manual.

Auch hier wird kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit erhoben, da das englischsprachige Manual jederzeit geändert werden kann. Zudem handelt es sich um Auszüge aus dem englischsprachigen Manual. Ferner habe ich nicht jeden Halbsatz hier reingenommen, in dem ODT erwähnt.

Generating ODT

We will not say much more about PDF in this book, but suffice it to say that if you need to support PDF, Jutoh can help you create these files by generating ODT which you can load into or LibreOffice and from there, export to PDF.

If you plan to create ODT files with Jutoh, as well, you can use LibreOffice to convert your books to PDF, Word and other files. And of course, you may grow to enjoy it as a regular word processor instead of using one that costs a lot of money! You can also use, an earlier incarnation of LibreOffice, but LibreOffice has better Word support.

Generate ODT: generates OpenDocument Text, a word processor format that can be converted to many other formats such as Word, using for example the free LibreOffice or suite. Note that Word itself tends to create more compact .doc files than does LibreOffice or, so you might want to re-save the file using Word if file size is an issue.

If you generate an ODT and wish to convert to, say, a Microsoft Word file, you can use or LibreOffice (an offshoot of to convert it. However, the results can vary in quality depending on which version of the word processor you use, and what version of Word you choose to export to. If you have a copy of Word, you can experiment with what combination works best. In particular, if there are problems with list bullets, you can adjust the bullet font and Unicode symbol used for each kind of bullet, from the Options page on Jutoh’s Project Properties dialog.

Jutoh can create OpenDocument Text (ODT) files which can then be turned into PDF, for example using the File | Export as PDF command in Writer or LibreOffice Writer. You can view the PDF in Adobe Acrobat Reader or Adobe Digital Editions (ADE).

Jutoh outputs appropriate metadata to ODT files so that when you export to PDF, the title and author will appear in the left-hand pane in Adobe Digital Editions. If your cover design is on the first page of your ODT file, it will be used for the thumbnail in Adobe Digital Editions

Importing ODT into Jutoh

The preferred import format is DOCX (Microsoft Word XML) or ODT (Open Document Text). You can convert a variety of word processing formats (such as DOC) to DOCX or ODT simply by opening them in LibreOffice or (free downloads) and saving as DOCX or ODT. Most style information from the DOCX or ODT document will be preserved.

For import of DOCX, ODT and HTML files, Jutoh will help you split the book into sections by matching against heading styles or content.

If you import from an ODT or DOCX document, page styles will be created for your sections. If you have multiple page styles in your original document, select splitting by page break when you import, to be sure that Jutoh will set the page styles for the right sections.

Importing from DOCX will always create a page style for the first section as the default style, whereas importing from ODT will create a „Standard“ page style that provides defaults, but is not explicitly associated with a section. Both import methods should create similar results when exporting to ODT.

You can also import DOCX, ODT, HTML and text into an existing project using the File | Import command.

Jutoh will accept OpenDocument (ODT), Word (DOCX), HTML, text and Epub files (DOCX and ODT are recommended for best results).

Comments are imported from DOCX and ODT files.

Special comment formatting: check to output comments in the native format where supported (currently ODT only). If this option is cleared, comments will be output as for other formats, interspered with the text and subject to the Comments to include option.

Importing ODT Images (Pictures) into Jutoh

If not all images are imported from your ODT file, it may be because they are in a non-standard format called SVM. Jutoh (and most other applications) are unable to convert these, but if you save your original file as an HTML file from your word processor, writing GIF files, then when importing from ODT Jutoh will try to substitute any missing SVM image files with the GIF files. Another solution is to insert the original images from files instead of pasting from the clipboard; or copying and pasting the missing images into Jutoh manually.

Some types of picture cannot be imported from ODT documents (in particular SVM, the StarView Metafile format). These pictures should be pasted or inserted by hand after import. Or, export an HTML file using OpenOffice or LibreOffice, to the same folder that contains the ODT and with the same root name as the original file. For example, thing.odt should be exported as thing.html. GIF files will be written to the folder, and Jutoh will use these images when importing from ODT.

If images don’t make it from your DOCX or ODT file, Jutoh may not have been able to handle this particular image type. You will need to paste or insert the images separately. If you are importing from HTML, the images may not have been in the correct path as specified within the HTML. When importing from ODT, also export an HTML file using OpenOffice or LibreOffice, to the same folder that contains the ODT and with the same root name as the original file. For example, thing.odt should be exported as thing.html. GIF files will be written to the folder, and Jutoh will use these images when importing from ODT.

Importing index entries

Index entries are imported from ODT and DOCX documents. However, no special formatting (such as italics) can be applied to parts of entries or keys – they are simple text strings all formatted with the same style.

Importing footnotes

Footnotes are imported from ODT files, but not from HTML files since there is no representation for footnotes in HTML and it’s impossible to distinguish them from regular linked text.

In footnotes mode (the default), your footnotes will not show within Jutoh (unless edited), but if there are any footnotes in a chapter, they will be appended to the chapter when the book is compiled, after a horizontal rule (divider). Footnotes are always added, so if you were to import footnotes from an ODT file and then compile it without altering any settings, they will show up.

For Epub books, you can change the horizontal rule properties from the footnotes and endnotes properties page. For example, you can set it to be coloured red and occupy 30% of the page width. For ODT files, Jutoh will insert an image reflecting some of the configured properties.

Importing citations

If you import a document from a DOCX or ODT file and it contains embedded citations, Jutoh will import them as special citation objects. You can then click on these objects and edit the individual fields.

Exporting citations

When you export a document containing citations to an ODT file, and the configuration option Special bibliography formatting is checked, Jutoh will write the full citation information for later editing in OpenOffice or LibreOffice. It will also replace the Jutoh-generated bibliography section with an ODT bibliography field. If the option is cleared, Jutoh will generate the citation text and bibliography section without any special ODT fields. This allows you to use Jutoh bibliography formatting and more complex citations, but if you intend to edit citations within OpenOffice or LibreOffice, and change the bibliography style in these applications, then you might want to check the option.

Note that Jutoh cannot translate the XML formatting template to the ODT bibliography style, which is much less expressive. So if Special bibliography formatting is checked, you may need to customise the bibliography style in the word processor. All in all, if you just need to export to a print format without much further editing, it’s better to keep the option cleared and let Jutoh do the citation and bibliography formatting.

Importing boxes

Text boxes will be imported from DOCX, ODT and HTML files.

Importing Fixed layout books

Fixed layout books cannot be imported from ODT or DOCX, but they can be imported from simple fixed-page Epub 3, and from the CBZ comic format. They can be exported to ODT, but with some restrictions: please see the help topic Creating fixed layout books in the Jutoh application help for details.

Version 2.7, April 16th 2015 (for Jutoh 2.29)

Updated the reference to fixed layout projects not being exportable to ODT, since now this is possible.

Importing Drop Caps

Drop caps is supported when importing from DOCX and ODT files.

Text Formatting

This category contains options for plain text (including Markdown) and ODT (OpenDocument Text) output.

  • Left margin: the left page margin in mm, for ODT output only.
  • Right margin: the right page margin in mm, for ODT output only.
  • Top margin: the top page margin in mm, for ODT output only.
  • Bottom margin: the bottom page margin in mm, for ODT output only.
  • Paper size: the paper size, for ODT output only. The default is A4.
  • Custom paper width: the custom paper width, for ODT output only. Specify mm (the default), cm or in. If custom width and height are both specified, the values will override the Paper size selection.
  • Custom paper height: the custom paper height, for ODT output only. Specify mm (the default), cm or in. If custom width and height are both specified, the values will override the Paper size selection.
  • Mirror margins: check to mirror page margins, for example when creating a gutter for print on demand. For ODT output only.
  • Dots per inch: the assumed number of dots per inch for images, used if no absolute dimensions are specified. For ODT output only. The default is 96.
  • Add blank paragraphs for Word: if checked, Jutoh will add blank paragraphs before page breaks for Microsoft Word compatibility. Without it, justification is poor before page breaks. For ODT output only.

Advanced Formatting

Special index formatting: check to output index entries as special items, if supported by the target format. If this option is cleared, links and an index page will be output explicitly. Smashwords ODT requires this to be switched off.

  • Special footnote formatting: check to output footnotes and endnotes as special items, if supported by the target format. If this option is cleared, linked footnotes or endnotes will be output explicitly. Smashwords ODT requires this to be switched off.
  • Special table of contents formatting: check to replace the document marked with the ‘toc’ guide type with a special ‘tableofcontents’ field in ODT export. This will ensure that the ODT table of contents has page numbers and not just links. Smashwords ODT requires this to be switched off.
  • Special bibliography formatting: check to output special citation fields, rather than expanding citations into text. Smashwords ODT requires this to be switched off.
  • Special cross-reference formatting: check to output special cross-reference fields, rather than expanding cross-references into text. Smashwords ODT requires this to be switched off.
  • Use outline levels: check to output outline levels if specified in your heading styles. Currently applies to ODT output only, where checking this option allows a table of contents to appear in PDF files generated by Writer or LibreOffice Writer.
  • Use page styles: check to output page styles, if defined. ODT only.

Automatic styles

If you import from a DOCX (Word) or ODT (OpenDocument Text) file, you may find a lot of your content is unexpectedly formatted with automatic styles. If this is the case, your original document also had automatic styles but your word processor hid this by showing only the basic style name in the drop-down style control.

When importing from DOCX or ODT, you may be surprised to find a lot of automatic styles in your document where they did not appear to be automatic when edited in your word processor. This is because the word processor may hide the fact you have applied ad hoc (or direct) styling, and show you the ‘base’ style; Jutoh simply shows the automatic style names, and this can reveal an inconsistently formatted document. Ad hoc and inconsistent styles can also give rise to frustration when splitting the file in the New Project Wizard and creating an advanced table of contents, because it’s hard to specify how Jutoh will search for headings when they are formatted differently throughout the document. Some of this can be smoothed over by using wildcards (‘*’) to match against variants of a base style, but it’s always better to start with a clean, consistent document

Automatic heading numbering

If you only want automatic heading numbering to appear in OpenDocument (ODT) files, or if you simply want to tell the ODT file where to find chapter headings when you’re using the chapter field in headers and footers, you can clear Enable automatic heading numbering.

Tables and ODT

You can create tables within Jutoh, or import them from HTML/Epub, DOCX and ODT, and include them in your generated ODT, Epub and Kindle files. Supported features include:

  • border and cell background colour;
  • several border line styles;
  • column and row spanning;
  • an editable gallery of table templates;
  • arbitrary content in cells including graphics and nested tables;
  • multiple cell property editor and table property editor.
  • Tables can be imported from DOCX, ODT and HTML/Epub. Most aspects will be retained, but these will not:
  • Shading and images in cell backgrounds (solid colours are supported);
  • vertical text;
  • double borders or border line styles other than solid, dotted, and dashed;
  • custom image borders;

In summary, unless your table formatting is particularly fancy, import should be fine.

Don’t expect to use all of the advanced table features in your favourite word processor, such as shading, fancy border styles, and vertical text. But you can still create a wide range of table appearances, and Jutoh’s table tools should be more than sufficient for all but the most demanding user.

In most formats, tables are output as they appear in the Jutoh project. For OpenDocument (ODT) output, however, Jutoh tries to output a special index that gathers items from the document dynamically. This means that if you edit the ODT document, updating the document fields ensures your indexes are updated as intended. It also means that you get proper page numbers in the indexes in your ODT or exported PDF document, and not just links.

Jutoh will look for the guide types “toc” (table of contents), “loi” (list of illustrations) and “lot” (list of tables). If it finds one of these, it generates a table-of-contents field that refers to the relevant table, and ignores the actual text in that document. The table-of-contents field in turn generates the appropriate code in the ODT file. You won’t see this field, since it’s generated as an intermediate step. If you are creating a custom index, and therefore don’t set a guide type, the value of Table section ID will be used to indicate that the document is a special index.

You can suppress this special index generation by clearing the Special table of contents formatting configuration option.

HTML-based formats and ODT all understand collapsed borders.

Another issue that can be slightly confusing is that a table can have an overall border in addition to cell borders. This means that you have two ways of specifying the overall border: using cells, or the table box properties. However, only HTML-based formats know about the extra table border – not ODT or DOCX – so it’s best to use cell borders to form the table border. This is what the Table Properties dialog does.

As noted above, ODT files, and DOCX files converted from ODT, do not support an extra, overall border so if word processor compatibility is required, you will need to form the table border using individual cell borders. The Table Properties dialog helps you do this, since the Borders page applies only cell borders.

Creating printed books

Jutoh can help create printed books via its export of OpenDocument Text (ODT) files. An ODT file can be used with other software to create a PDF file, perhaps to send to a print-on-demand service such as Lulu or Amazon’s CreateSpace.

You can use a program such as LibreOffice to open the ODT file and save as a Word file or export to PDF. Creating a PDF from Jutoh can be as quick as selecting the OpenDocument configuration, pressing Compile, pressing Launch, updating the fields in LibreOffice, then exporting to PDF.

Note: conversion of page layout when saving to DOCX from LibreOffice doesn’t work well, so save as DOC instead, and if necessary use Word to save to DOCX. Also, although recent versions of Microsoft Word will read ODT files, it has problems with lists, headers and footers, and table of contents fields, so you are advised to open the ODT in LibreOffice and then save as Word if necessary. See KB0128 in the Jutoh help for tips on converting ODT to Word.

The remainder of this topic will explain how to tailor ODT export to your needs. For extra information about what options to specify when exporting fixed layout books to ODT, see the topic Exporting fixed layout books to ODT in the Jutoh help.

You might like to try the Print on demand wizard via the menu command Book | Help with Print on Demand, to help you set up your project for print output. It takes you through most of the steps detailed below for manual page style creation, and it can also import page settings from DOCX and ODT templates. All the settings in the wizard can also be edited manually elsewhere in Jutoh.

Suitable template files can be downloaded from sites such as CreateSpace and Lulu. If they are in Word DOC format, they will need to be saved as DOCX or ODT files before import into Jutoh.

Setting configuration options

Usually, Jutoh will export special formatting such as a table of contents, index entries and footnotes in the appropriate native ODT format. But sometimes ebook distributors can’t handle the special formatting, so you can switch these off with the configuration options Special index formatting, Special footnote formatting, and Special table of contents formatting.

When exporting to ODT and opening in LibreOffice or OpenOffice, you may find that there are some extra blank paragraphs which may also result in blank pages. If this happens, and you don’t intend to open the file in Microsoft Word, clear the configuration option Add blank paragraphs for Word.

The reason for this option being on by default is that Word messes up formatting if you don’t have a blank paragraph before a page break. This can manifest itself in erroneous justification in the last line of a paragraph. If you only intend to open the document in LibreOffice or OpenOffice (for example, for PDF output) then it’s safe to clear the option.

Specifying page layout

As well as the Layout option to mirror margins, you can specify only left or only right pages, in which case the other page will be blank. So, if you want a section to start on the right hand page, specify Right for Layout, and specify a Next Style to use for the pages after the first one in the section. When exporting a PDF from the ODT file in LibreOffice or OpenDocument, don’t forget to check the option Export automatically inserted blank pages in the word processor’s PDF Export dialog.

Using headers and footers

IMPORTANT: using different headers and footers for the same page style in order to achieve a different first page only works for LibreOffice; in other words, OpenOffice does not have a Same content on first page option. Both LibreOffice and OpenOffice also have the restriction that a page style for one section must have a different name from the page style for the previous section, or the word processor will only consider there to be one ‘first page’ in the whole sequence of chapters, not for each chapter.

To work around that, create two styles: one for the first page in the chapter, and another for the other pages in the chapter. In your first-page style, set the Next style field to the name of the other style. Now select the first-page style as the Style name in the section properties Page tab. You can check Repeat page for subsequent sections to avoid having to set the style for all chapters.

If you want to create a Word DOC or DOCX file, you may need to fix headers and footers in Word after importing the ODT file. For more information, please see KB0128 in the Jutoh help.

Setting the outline style

The outline style is ODT-specific and defines default document-wide outline information. Each outline level (1-10) specifies a paragraph style for a chapter heading (by default, Heading 1, Heading 2 and so on) and various formatting options for a numbered heading, including a prefix for the number (e.g. Chapter) and a suffix for the number (e.g. a space).

There is only one outline style, called ‘Outline’, and you can edit it from the Page tab of the Book Section Properties dialog.

The formatting options will affect how the chapter title appears at the start of a chapter and also any chapter field that you put in a header or footer.

How page styles work in LibreOffice/OpenOffice

This is a quick explanation to help you edit page styles within your word processor of choice once you have exported your project to ODT.

Jutoh generates two kinds of style for each page style: a master page style, and a page layout style. The master page style has a reference to the page layout style. In a word processor, these styles aren’t visibly separate, but the master page style contains the actual headers and footers, while the page layout style contains formatting information.

If you look at the list of styles in your word processor, there are buttons for different kinds of style. Click on the page styles icon and you can see the styles that are predefined (or generated by Jutoh). ‘Default Style’ is called ‘Standard’ internally and in Jutoh. You can right-click over a style and press Modify to change the page style properties.

To associate a page style with a particular portion of your document in OpenOffice/LibreOffice, you can insert a page break with an associated page style (Insert | Manual Break). Or, you can put the cursor at the first paragraph in a new page, right-click and select Paragraph, then select the Text Flow tab and you will see With page style and a page style name, which you can change. So you can see from this that a page style is associated with a portion of a document by being associated with the paragraph style of the first paragraph (or table) after a page break.

When you edit a header or footer in the word processor, you are editing the header or footer for the particular page style that is active at present. For example, if you associated a ‘Chapter Style’ page style with the heading for Chapter 1, then Chapter 2 would also have this page style and editing a footnote for Chapter 2 would also change it for Chapter 1.

Unresolved URL

Jutoh complains about missing page link targets, which might happen if you link to a page that you later delete. When compiling ODT files, will also complain if you have a page link that does not reference a bookmark, since this is required for linear documents such as ODT files that are not composed of individual XHTML sections.

Adding headers, footers and page numbers manually to an ODT file

If you wish to add headers, footers and page numbers manually to an ODT file generated by Jutoh, instead of using Jutoh’s page styles, follow these steps in LibreOffice ( doesn’t currently support the Format | Title Page command):

Open the file in LibreOffice Writer.

Mark the title page using Format | Title Page; enter 2 into Number of title pages (to skip the cover and title page) and choose Convert existing pages to title pages. Check Reset Page Numbering after title pages. Press OK.

Choose Format | Choose Footer | Default. Click on the first available footer and choose Insert | Fields | Page Number.

Select the page number field and centre it.

You can also add a header if you wish, perhaps containing the title of the book.

To manually add a table of contents with page numbers and not just links, follow these steps in Writer or LibreOffice Writer:

Delete the Jutoh-generated table of contents.

Click on Format | Indexes and Tables | Indexes and Tables to show the Insert Index/Table dialog.

We need to associate heading styles used in the document with levels in the table of contents, similar to how Jutoh works when searching for headings to put in the table of contents. Check Additional Styles, and click the ‘’ button. Assuming you are using ‘Heading 1’, ‘Heading 2’ and so on for headings in your document, click on each of these in the list and click on the >> button to position each at the appropriate point in the table: ‘Heading 1’ at position 1, ‘Heading 2’ at position 2, and so on. Press OK but don’t dismiss the Insert Index/Table dialog yet.

Now we need to make the entries hyperlinked. Click on the Entries tab and in the Structure area, click in the box just before the E# button, then click Hyperlink. Click in the box just after the E and click on Hyperlink. This creates LS and LE marks (Link Start and Link End). Click All to apply this to all entries, and then click OK to dismiss the dialog.

Right-click over the special ‘Table of Contents’ field that has been inserted in the document and choose Update Index/Table and you should find that a table of contents with page numbers appears.

All this will be done automatically if you already have a table of contents in your project marked with the ‘toc’ guide type.

How tables are output to OpenDocument

In most formats, tables are output as they appear in the Jutoh project. For OpenDocument (ODT) output, however, Jutoh tries to output a special index that gathers items from the document dynamically. This means that if you edit the ODT document, updating the document fields ensures your indexes are updated as intended. It also means that you get proper page numbers in the indexes in your ODT or exported PDF document, and not just links.

Jutoh will look for the guide types “toc” (table of contents), “loi” (list of illustrations) and “lot” (list of tables). If it finds one of these, it generates a table-of-contents field that refers to the relevant table, and ignores the actual text in that document. The table-of-contents field in turn generates the appropriate code in the ODT file. You won’t see this field, since it’s generated as an intermediate step. If you are creating a custom index, and therefore don’t set a guide type, the value of Table section ID will be used to indicate that the document is a special index.

You can suppress this special index generation by clearing the Special table of contents formatting configuration option.

Hinweise und Ratschläge zu ODT aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe

Da ständig neue Hinweise in der internen Jutoh Hilfe dazu kommen können, ist hier kein Anspruch auf Vollständigkeit gegeben.

Falls einer dieser Hinweise keine Dokumentnummer haben sollte, habe ich nicht vergessen, die Nummer des Dokuments zu erwähnen. Es liegt einfach daran, daß nicht alle Dokumente aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe eine Nummer haben.

Why does ODT import ignore some images?

Document KB0037 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

When some images are pasted into OpenDocument files (instead of inserting from a file), or the file is converted from another format, OpenOffice saves the images in an obscure and little-used format (SVM, or StarView Metafile). Unfortunately Jutoh (and all image conversion applications that I know of) cannot convert this file, and so there will be a warning message during import. The workaround is to paste the images into Jutoh after import. Also you may have greater success if you insert the images into OpenDocument from files instead pasting from the clipboard. Another alternative is to use DOCX as your import format, although pasted metafile images in a DOCX document will only be imported when Jutoh is running on Microsoft Windows.

Why do footnotes in exported ODT files not display correctly?

Document KB0106 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

In previous versions of Jutoh, after exporting a project with footnotes or endnotes to ODT and opening it in LibreOffice Writer or OpenOffice Writer, you may have found that there is no differentiation between the note numbering and the text, for example „1My footnote“.

From Jutoh 2.14, the „Footnote Characters“ character style is created if it doesn’t already exist, in order to format the number with a superscript. If you don’t like the formatting, you can change it by creating a „Footnote Characters“ character style in Jutoh or in LibreOffice/OpenOffice. If the style is differently named when working in a different language, try creating an identical style with the appropriate name, such as „Fußnotenzeichen“ for German.

Why does my page style stop working after the first chapter in ODT?

Dokument KB0127 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

See also:

Creating OpenDocument files for print and PDF

How do I use Jutoh with print on demand services?

When using different headers and footers for the same page style in order to achieve a different first page for a chapter, there is a restriction that a page style for one section must have a different name from the page style for the previous section, or the word processor will only consider there to be one ‚first page‘ in the whole sequence of chapters, not for each chapter. So the second chapter onwards may get an unwanted header or footer on the first page.

To work around that, create two styles: one for the first page in the chapter, and another for the other pages in the chapter. In your first-page style, set the Next style field to the name of the other style. Now select the first-page style as the Style name in the section properties Page tab. You can check Repeat page for subsequent sections to avoid having to set the style for all chapters.

You will need to do this anyway if you are using OpenOffice, because OpenOffice doesn’t have the concept of different first-page content except by using two styles.

Creating OpenDocument files for print and PDF

Aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe. Für diesen Hinweis gibt es keine Dokumentnummer.

See also:

Exporting fixed layout books to ODT

How do I use Jutoh with print on demand services?

How do I convert an ODT file to a Microsoft Word file?

ODT file opened directly in Microsoft Word causes PDF link problems

As well as creating ebooks intended for consumption on screens, Jutoh can help create printed books via its export of OpenDocument Text (ODT) files. An ODT file can be used with other software to create a PDF file, perhaps to send to a print-on-demand service such as Lulu or Amazon’s CreateSpace.

You can use a program such as LibreOffice to open the ODT file and save as a Word file or export to PDF. Creating a PDF from Jutoh can be as quick as selecting the OpenDocument configuration, pressing Compile, pressing Launch, updating the fields in LibreOffice, then exporting to PDF.

Note: conversion of page layout when saving to DOCX from LibreOffice doesn’t work well, so save as DOC instead, and if necessary use Word to save to DOCX. Also, although recent versions of Microsoft Word will read ODT files, it has problems with lists, headers and footers, and table of contents fields, so you are advised to open the ODT in LibreOffice and then save as Word if necessary. See How do I convert an ODT file to a Microsoft Word file? for tips on converting ODT to Word.

The remainder of this topic will explain how to tailor ODT export to your needs. For extra information about what options to specify when exporting fixed layout books to ODT, see Exporting fixed layout books to ODT.

Using the Print on Demand Wizard

You might like to try the Print on demand wizard via the menu command Book | Help with Print on Demand, to help you set up your project for print output. It takes you through most of the steps detailed below for manual page style creation, and it can also import page settings from DOCX and ODT templates. All the settings in the wizard can also be edited manually elsewhere in Jutoh.

Suitable template files can be downloaded from sites such as CreateSpace and Lulu. If they are in Word DOC format, they will need to be saved as DOCX or ODT files before import into Jutoh.

What the wizard doesn’t help you with is the creation of suitable content. You may need to insert sections for print, that won’t appear in an ebook. Fortunately, you can do this using conditional content, dependent on the configuration you’re currently compiling with.

Take a look at the file Print Book Sample.jutoh that comes with Jutoh. It uses conditional sections to output suitable print-only sections (such as the half-title page). Sections that should start on a right-hand page do so by virtue of setting Layout to Right Only in page styles.

For more on conditional formatting for POD, see How do I use Jutoh with print on demand services?.

Setting configuration options

You can specify the overall paper size using the Paper size option; if none of the provided paper sizes is suitable, type values in mm into Custom paper width and Custom paper height to override the Paper size selection.

Specify the margin between the content and the edge of the paper in mm with Left margin, Right margin, Top margin and Bottom margin.

Check Mirror margins if you need a larger gutter for binding the book, having set the margins according to advice given by your print-on-demand service. Mirroring the margins will set the left margin value as the inner margin, and the right margin value as the outer margin.

As we shall see below, these settings can all be overridden via individual page style settings.

Usually, Jutoh will export special formatting such as a table of contents, index entries and footnotes in the appropriate native ODT format. But sometimes ebook distributors can’t handle the special formatting, so you can switch these off with the configuration options Special index formatting, Special footnote formatting, and Special table of contents formatting.

In addition you can clear the option Use outline levels to remove references to outline levels in heading styles. Normally outline levels are useful as hints for ereaders such as Adobe Digital Editions to display headings as a table of contents; but again this can confuse some distributors such as Smashwords.

Special formatting and outline levels are all disabled by default for the „Smashwords OpenDocument“ configuration to prevent errors when submitting documents to their Meatgrinder conversion software.

When exporting to ODT and opening in LibreOffice or OpenOffice, you may find that there are some extra blank paragraphs which may also result in blank pages. If this happens, and you don’t intend to open the file in Microsoft Word, clear the configuration option Add blank paragraphs for Word.

The reason for this option being on by default is that Word messes up formatting if you don’t have a blank paragraph before a page break. This can manifest itself in erroneous justification in the last line of a paragraph. If you only intend to open the document in LibreOffice or OpenOffice (for example, for PDF output) then it’s safe to clear the option.

Specifying page layout

Setting the paper size and margins is all very well, but what if you want more page layout detail, such as headers and footers in particular parts of the book, showing page numbers and other information? There are three ways to set page layout, as specified in the Page Layout tab of the Project Properties dialog:

Basic page layout: the same page layout applies throughout the book.

Manual page layout: Jutoh leaves all page layout to individual book section properties.

Automatic page layout (the default): Jutoh creates headers and footers, and optional page numbering, at the start of the main book content.

The first method won’t add any headers or footers or page numbering; only the most basic layout will be specified (paper size, margins, and whether to mirror margins). These document-wide settings will also be output as the default page style for the other two methods, unless a page style called „Standard“ has been defined, in which case „Standard“ will be used as the default page style.

The second method, manual page layout, is the most flexible. You can specify page layout styles per section document, in the Page tab of the Book Section Properties dialog. This method is set when you run the Print on demand wizard with Book | Help with Print on Demand.

The third method lets you leave it to Jutoh to decide where numbering begins (after the table of contents or the section with a ‚text‘ guide type), or you can specify a particular section. You can choose from a small number of header and footer options: the book title, current book chapter or page number. The „Headers“ and „Footers“ paragraph styles will be used to format any header or footer you specify here.

When using manual page layout and assigning page styles to sections, you don’t specify the properties directly, but instead create and edit a project-wide page style, which you can do from the Page tab. Then, you can assign the same page style to multiple sections. You can choose whether to start numbering at this section, but you must also set a page style.

The page style properties contain paper size and margins (as before) which override the configuration options. Or, you can choose to use the configuration options for these values.

As well as the Layout option to mirror margins, you can specify only left or only right pages, in which case the other page will be blank. So, if you want a section to start on the right hand page, specify Right for Layout, and specify a Next Style to use for the pages after the first one in the section. When exporting a PDF from the ODT file in LibreOffice or OpenDocument, don’t forget to check the option Export automatically inserted blank pages in the word processor’s PDF Export dialog.

You can specify a numbering style, such as arabic or roman, and the start number if not overridden by the text section properties.

Finally, you can specify the header and footer properties as described below.

You can add, edit and delete page styles from the Page tab of document properties dialog, or from the Page style management dialog that can be invoked from the Page Layout tab of the Project Properties dialog. From here, you can export and import page styles using files with a JUTOHPAGESTYLES extension.

You can also import page styles directly from another project using the Import from project dialog.

Special style names

If you have a page style called „Standard“, it will be used as the default style when no page style has been specified for a section. If „Standard“ isn’t defined, the default style will take its values from the configuration.

If you have a page style called „Cover“, it will be used for the cover. To ensure the page style doesn’t repeat for subsequent pages, set the next style field to „Standard“. However, don’t do this for sections with more than one page unless you only want the first page to use the specified page style.

Using headers and footers

You can specify very limited headers and footers in automatic page layout mode; but for more control, you can edit header and footer content, and their formatting, in a page style. These headers or footers will continue until the next page style (if any), and you can also specify different headers and footers for the first page in a section, or for the left and right pages (but see the note below about restrictions for the first-page content option).

In the Page Layout Style Properties dialog, click on the Header or Footer tab and specify whether the header or footer should be included in this style. You can then change further properties such as auto-fit height, same content on first page, and same content on left and right pages. You can also click on More Properties to specify height, margins, border and background colour if required.

There are three kinds of header or footer you can edit: main (labelled Header or Footer), first page and left page. Choose which to edit, and then click Edit Header or Edit Footer. If you don’t want different first page or left page headers, you only have to edit the main header or footer.

In the header or footer editor, you can use the usual formatting, and you can insert fields such as „page-num“ and „chapter“, via Insert | Field in the context menu (right-click for the menu, or control-click on Mac). If you insert a „chapter“ field using chapter numbering, you will also need to edit the outline style, described below, so that the chapter title is formatted as required.

IMPORTANT: using different headers and footers for the same page style in order to achieve a different first page only works for LibreOffice; in other words, OpenOffice does not have a „Same content on first page“ option. Both LibreOffice and OpenOffice also have the restriction that a page style for one section must have a different name from the page style for the previous section, or the word processor will only consider there to be one ‚first page‘ in the whole sequence of chapters, not for each chapter.

To work around that, create two styles: one for the first page in the chapter, and another for the other pages in the chapter. In your first-page style, set the Next style field to the name of the other style. Now select the first-page style as the Style name in the section properties Page tab. You can check Repeat page for subsequent sections to avoid having to set the style for all chapters.

If you want to create a Word DOC or DOCX file, you may need to fix headers and footers in Word after importing the ODT file. For more information, please see How do I convert an ODT file to a Microsoft Word file?.

Setting the outline style

The outline style is entirely ODT-specific and defines default document-wide outline information. Each outline level (1-10) specifies a paragraph style for a chapter heading (by default, Heading 1, Heading 2 and so on) and various formatting options for a numbered heading, including a prefix for the number (e.g. Chapter) and a suffix for the number (e.g. a space).

There is only one outline style, called „Outline“, and you can edit it from the Page tab of the Book Section Properties dialog.

The formatting options will affect how the chapter title appears at the start of a chapter and also any „chapter“ field that you put in a header or footer.

Creating a table of contents

If you have created an advanced table of contents, in other words one which is present as a section in your project instead of generated only when the ebook is compiled, Jutoh will replace it with one that is more suited to printable documents. The table of contents will contain page numbers as well as hyperlinks. Any page style you specify for this page will still be respected: for example you might want to add a footer with page numbers displayed as roman numerals. For more details, see Building a table of contents.

Note: if your table of contents does not contain all the levels you expect after you have updated fields in LibreOffice/OpenOffice, the heading style outline levels may be incorrect. Edit each of your heading styles in Jutoh, and for Heading 1 (or whatever your heading 1 style name is), make sure „Outline level“ is set to 1; for Heading 2, make sure it’s set to 2, and so on. Alternatively, clear the configuration option Use outline levels so heading styles are not output with their own outline levels, but the default Outline style is used instead (as defined in Project Properties/Fields & Numbering/Edit Document Outline Style).

How page styles work in LibreOffice/OpenOffice

This is a quick explanation to help you edit page styles within your word processor of choice once you have exported your project to ODT.

Jutoh generates two kinds of style for each page style: a master page style, and a page layout style. The master page style has a reference to the page layout style. In a word processor, these styles aren’t visibly separate, but the master page style contains the actual headers and footers, while the page layout style contains formatting information.

If you look at the list of styles in your word processor, there are buttons for different kinds of style. Click on the page styles icon and you can see the styles that are predefined (or generated by Jutoh). „Default Style“ is called „Standard“ internally and in Jutoh. You can right-click over a style and press Modify to change the page style properties.

To associate a page style with a particular portion of your document in OpenOffice/LibreOffice, you can insert a page break with an associated page style (Insert | Manual Break). Or, you can put the cursor at the first paragraph in a new page, right-click and select Paragraph, then select the Text Flow tab and you will see With page style and a page style name, which you can change. So you can see from this that a page style is associated with a portion of a document by being associated with the paragraph style of the first paragraph (or table) after a page break.

When you edit a header or footer in the word processor, you are editing the header or footer for the particular page style that is active at present. For example, if you associated a „Chapter Style“ page style with the heading for Chapter 1, then Chapter 2 would also have this page style and editing a footnote for Chapter 2 would also change it for Chapter 1.

Importing from ODT and DOCX

If you import from an ODT or DOCX document, page styles will be created for your sections. If you have multiple page styles in your original document, select splitting by page break when you import, to be sure that Jutoh will set the page styles for the right sections.

Importing from DOCX will always create a page style for the first section as the default style, whereas importing from ODT will create a „Standard“ page style that provides defaults, but is not explicitly associated with a section. Both import methods should create similar results when exporting to ODT.

Exporting fixed layout books to ODT

Aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe. Für diesen Hinweis gibt es keine Dokumentnummer.

You can export fixed layout projects to ODT. Jutoh will scale the content to fit the page size specified in your OpenDocument configuration. Use these configuration options:

Paper size / Custom paper width: set either of these to indicate the paper size, and also set the page margins. Jutoh will then use the available space to scale the page content.

Page width / Page height: set the page size in pixels, corresponding to the size of the individual pages you are providing. The pages are assumed to be of equal size. If you wish to split double-page spreads into individual pages, specify the individual page size – half the width of the pages as you edit them in Jutoh.

Pages per spread: if you specify Two, Jutoh will split double-page spreads (marked as such in each page document) into two pages. Ensure you also specify Page width to be half of your page document size (i.e. the width of the individual pages).

Fixed layout: you don’t have to enable this.

Add blank paragraphs for Word: clear this to avoid blank pages when opening in LibreOffice or OpenOffice.

Flatten images: set this to (none) to ensure image transparency is retained if present.

Convert images to JPEG: set this to None to avoid losing image transparency and quality.

Font pixel scale: if Jutoh is not scaling text to your satisfaction, you can tweak the scaling with this option. It affects fonts specified in both pixels and points.

Generate cover page: you will probably want to clear this to avoid the standard cover page, which may be inappropriate for print-on-demand applications.

Special table of contents formatting: switch this off.

These are the limitations when writing fixed layout projects to ODT:

Pre-rendering onto the background image is not currently supported.

Objects that are shared between two split pages, such as a text box or image in the centre of a spread, are not currently displayed correctly, partly because no clipping is currently applied to prevent bleed into the margin, and partly because LibreOffice and OpenOffice don’t support objects that are partially off the page – they are moved back inside the page. A workaround would be to incorporate the object in the background image.

How do I convert an ODT file to a Microsoft Word file?

Document KB0128 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

See also:

Creating OpenDocument files for print and PDF

ODT file opened directly in Microsoft Word causes PDF link problems

Normally, you can accomplish what you need to do, such as creating PDF files for print on demand services, by using LibreOffice or OpenOffice to open files created by Jutoh’s ODT export facility.

Creating Word files is straightforward for simple files; export a DOC file from LibreOffice or OpenOffice, and open it in Word. Or, if you have a recent version of Word, open the ODT file directly. However for more complex files with page styles, bugs in OpenOffice/LibreOffice and Word become apparent. We will use the term LibreOffice in the following to stand in for both LibreOffice and OpenOffice since behaviour is similar in both programs.

Conversion problems and workarounds

Opening ODT in Word directly:

Problem: the advanced table of contents (inserted as a field) loses its title when updated. Workaround 1: insert the Table of Contents heading manually and apply a suitable style (usually TOC Heading). Workaround 2: open and save as DOC or DOCX in LibreOffice, then open in Word.

Problem: lists have an incorrect indent. Workaround 1: Select each list and reapply a list style, for example using the bullet button in the ribbon, pressing it twice to unformat and then reformat the list. Workaround 2: open and save as DOC or DOCX in LibreOffice, then open in Word.

Problem: headers lose their chapter numbers, if you inserted a chapter field in Jutoh. It may just say UPDATE ME. Workaround: edit the header by double-clicking it, and type the text, such as CHAPTER 1. You will need to do this for each chapter, unless you can find a way to insert a field that references the heading number.

Problem: the last line of the last paragraph is justified rather than left-aligned, making it hard to read. Workaround: Word needs a blank paragraph before a page break, even though LibreOffice doesn’t. You can add suitable blank paragraphs to the ODT file using the configuration option Add blank paragraphs for Word, which is switched on by default.

Problem: links exported to PDF don’t work. Workaround: open and save as DOC or DOCX in LibreOffice, then open in Word, or export PDF from LibreOffice directly.

Problem: Smashwords doesn’t like the page breaks. Workaround: open and save as DOC or DOCX in LibreOffice, then open in Word (pending confirmation that this is a real problem and the workaround works).

Opening a DOC or DOCX file saved in LibreOffice:

Problem: spurious section markers are added by LibreOffice, causing breaks in strange places and poor justification in the preceding paragraph. You can delete them, but this will remove first-page heading and footer information. See Repairing sections below. You will also need to replace automatic chapter number references with text as mentioned above.

Problem: page numbers in headers and footers may not appear or may be numbered incorrectly. It’s not clear if this related to interpreting different number styles, or a problem with page styles. Workaround 1: import the ODT directly in Word, since it’s better at preserving page styles. Workaround 2: repair the sections yourself by editing the Page Setup and headers and footers as described below.

Problem: as for files directly opened in Word, the last line of the last paragraph is justified rather than left-aligned, making it hard to read. Workaround: Word needs a blank paragraph before a page break, even though LibreOffice doesn’t. You can add suitable blank paragraphs to the ODT file using the configuration option Add blank paragraphs for Word, which is switched on by default.

Repairing sections

If LibreOffice has inserted spurious sections causing strange page breaks and poor justification, you can remove them in Word as follows.

Switch on ‚reveal formatting‘ (the paragraph marker button in the ribbon home tab).

Go to the top of the document, and click on Replace in the ribbon home tab.

Type ^b into the search field, and ^p into the replace field.

Press Find Next. If the found section break is marked with Section Break (Next Page), it’s a legitimate break, so press Find Next again. If it is not marked with this label, click Replace and then Find Next.

Repeat until the end of the document.

Unfortunately this process also removes first-page header and footer information. To fix this, go to the first page of each chapter, click on the Page Layout ribbon tab, and click on the small arrow next to Page Setup. This shows the Page Setup dialog; here you can check Different first page. Press OK. Then correct the header and footer for each chapter by double-clicking on each header or footer and typing appropriate text.

ODT file opened directly in Microsoft Word causes PDF link problems

Document KB0189 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

See also: How do I convert an ODT file to a Microsoft Word file?

If you open an ODT file generated by Jutoh directly in Microsoft Word, you may find that exporting a PDF removes internal links.

To fix this, open the ODT file in LibreOffice instead, and either export your PDF from LibreOffice, or save as a DOCX file and open it in Microsoft Word, whereupon the links should now work.

This is because Word has not implemented perfect ODT import.

You may also find that the DOCX file saved by LibreOffice is more acceptable to Smashwords and its Meatgrinder converter than a Word file opened directly in Microsoft Word; a user has reported page break problems when using Word directly.

Why are there empty paragraphs before page breaks in my ODT document?

Document KB0131 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

See also:

How do I convert an ODT file to a Microsoft Word file?

Converting a book to PDF

Creating OpenDocument files for print and PDF

You may find empty paragraphs before page breaks, even though they are not present in your Jutoh project. This behaviour is deliberate and is due to a problem in Microsoft Word whereby without these blank paragraphs, the last line of the last paragraph before a break is justified rather than left-aligned, making it hard to read.

LibreOffice and OpenOffice don’t need these blank paragraphs, so if working exclusively with these programs you can clear the configuration option Add blank paragraphs for Word, which is switched on by default.

I have problems with page styles and ODT generation

Document KB0141 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

This topic collects some of the problems you may encounter when setting up page styes for OpenDocument (ODT) generation.

See also:

Creating OpenDocument files for print and PDF

Why does my page style stop working after the first chapter in ODT?

In the ‚Help With Print on Demand‘ wizard, changing the page size and margins doesn’t have an effect

In the wizard, changing the page size and margins stores these values in the OpenDocument configuration. They will not be used if you have already specified these values per page style. Where the page styles do not specify these values, they are inherited from these project-wide settings in the current configuration.

However, setting these values in the configuration is still useful so that Jutoh has a way to compute maximum image size for covers and other images (see the next issue).

The cover page doesn’t fit in the generated ODT file and causes a blank following page

Set the per-configuration page size and margins so that Jutoh can calculate a suitable maximum size for the cover image just from the configuration.

My page numbers start again at every section

The problem is that in your page style, you are specifying that the page numbers should restart at the beginning of the section. Clear Start number in the style, and use Start number in the section-specific settings instead.

How can I insert a page number into a header or footer?

Edit the header or footer in a page style, right-click (or control-click on Mac) to show the context menu and use Insert / Field / Page number.

Why does my page style stop working after the first chapter in ODT?

Document KB0127 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

See also:

Creating OpenDocument files for print and PDF

How do I use Jutoh with print on demand services?

When using different headers and footers for the same page style in order to achieve a different first page for a chapter, there is a restriction that a page style for one section must have a different name from the page style for the previous section, or the word processor will only consider there to be one ‚first page‘ in the whole sequence of chapters, not for each chapter. So the second chapter onwards may get an unwanted header or footer on the first page.

To work around that, create two styles: one for the first page in the chapter, and another for the other pages in the chapter. In your first-page style, set the Next style field to the name of the other style. Now select the first-page style as the Style name in the section properties Page tab. You can check Repeat page for subsequent sections to avoid having to set the style for all chapters.

You will need to do this anyway if you are using OpenOffice, because OpenOffice doesn’t have the concept of different first-page content except by using two styles.

Why is a chapter replaced by a table of contents in ODT export?

Document KB0150 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

When generating an ODT (OpenDocument) file, and the configuration option Special table of contents formatting is enabled, Jutoh looks for a table of contents section and replaces the whole section with a table of contents field.

If this is happening unexpectedly, check that the section doesn’t have a ‚toc‘ guide type, or isn’t assigned as the table of contents in one or more table of contents. Go to Project Properties/Indexes/Table of Contents and click Edit (on the top row of buttons). If the Table section id field is set to the section that is being replaced, click Reset and then OK, and OK again. Now compile the ODT file again, and the section should be restored.

Why does my compiled ODT file contain the words UPDATE ME?

Document KB0151 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

When Jutoh compiles an OpenDocument (ODT) file, it may write special fields, such as a table of contents or index. When you open the file in a word processor, you may see UPDATE ME indicating that the user should use the word processor’s tools (not in Jutoh) to update the field.

In OpenOffice and LibreOffice, you can use the menu command Tools | Update | Update All, or right click (or control-click on Mac) over UPDATE ME, and choose Update Index/Table. In recent versions of Word, you can also right-click (control-click on Mac) over UPDATE ME and use the Update Field command, although it might omit the Table of Contents heading. If your word processor doesn’t recognise the field, it may just show the UPDATE ME text, which cannot be updated. To fix this, you could open it in a more suitable word processor such as OpenOffice or LibreOffice, update all fields, and then save and reopen in your preferred word processor.

If you don’t have a word processor that will recognise these fields, or perhaps you want a simpler file for submission to Smashwords, then you can disable the configuration option Special table of contents formatting and related options. Jutoh will then generate the complete section (such as table of contents) without outputting a special field.

Why are there blank pages or lines in my ODT file?

Document KB0162 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

When exporting to ODT and opening in LibreOffice or OpenOffice, you may find that there are some extra blank paragraphs which may also result in blank pages. If this happens, and you don’t intend to open the file in Microsoft Word, clear the configuration option Add blank paragraphs for Word.

The reason for this option being on by default is that Word messes up formatting if you don’t have a blank paragraph before a page break. This can manifest itself in erroneous justification in the last line of a paragraph. If you only intend to open the document in LibreOffice or OpenOffice (for example, for PDF output) then it’s safe to clear the option.

After import from DOCX or ODT, why is caption numbering different from the original?

Document KB0187 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe-

If you use sequence fields to number illustrations and other elements and they are missing chapter numbering, it may be because the automatic heading numbering is not enabled, which is required for sequence fields to show chapter (and section) numbering. Sequence numbering may also have incorrect settings.

Go to the Fields & Numbering page of Project Properties, and check Number headings automatically. Also click Edit Document Outline Style and ensure that Numbering style is not (none) for the levels you want to appear in headings.

Still in the Fields & Numbering page, click on Edit Sequence Definitions and ensure that for the sequence(s) categories you’re interested in, the settings are as required, for example Restart at level: 1 to number illustrations by chapter. Also check Show level if you want chapter/section numbers to be shown.

Close this dialog and then the Project Properties dialog with OK, and use the Book | Update command to update fields and numbering. Your caption numbers, and references to them, should now reflect the changed settings.

Why are there bookmark errors referencing the table of contents when compiling an ODT file?

Document KB0204 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe

See also:

How do I link back from section headings to the table of contents?

How do I fix bookmark not found errors?

You may see these errors when compiling with an OpenDocument configuration:

ERROR (Jutoh): bookmark tableofcontents was not found. The source document was XYZ, and the target document was Table of Contents.

The problem is that you are linking back to the table of contents, and when compiling an ODT, the table of contents in the project is replaced by a special TOC that’s ODT-specific and is dynamically created from headings in your ODT file for maximum ODT-compatibility. This means that if you were to edit your ODT file outside of Jutoh and add headings, they will be reflected in the TOC automatically. But it does mean that the bookmark in the original TOC is no longer available for linking in the Jutoh project.

This can happen when you are linking back from headings to the TOC. First, consider whether it’s really that helpful to backlink headings to the TOC – probably most people can find their way to the TOC without needing a link in every chapter. But if you really want them, you can switch off the ODT-specific TOC that Jutoh generates, as follows.

The fix: edit the OpenDocument configuration (hit Edit next to OpenDocument in the bottom-left Jutoh pane) and search for Special table of contents formatting in the search field at the bottom of the configuration list. Clear this, press OK, and compile again. Now the errors will be gone, and the original table of contents will be output to the ODT, rather than an ODT-specific, dynamic one.

Why is some formatting not as expected in the generated ODT file?

Document KB0207 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

Occasionally there may be a mystifying difference between the formatting in the project, versus the formatting when the ODT file is generated in a program such as LibreOffice. For example, paragraphs are in bold or italic when the style doesn’t specify these attributes.

This can be due to the attributes being set in the Standard or Normal paragraph styles. Jutoh checks if the style Standard exists, and if it does, it writes the style’s attributes as the paragraph defaults in the ODT file. If Standard doesn’t exist, but Normal does, it uses this style’s attributes instead.

So, if a paragraph style doesn’t specify these attributes, using (none) instead, then the attributes will be inherited from the defaults, even if the style doesn’t explicitly name Standard or Normal as the base style.

In summary: check your Standard and Normal styles for attributes that may cause the problem.

Why are some of my ODT comments colouring large portions of content?

Document KB0208 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe

Sometimes if you have comments in your project, and you export to ODT, you find that large portions of text are coloured from the position of a comment.

The problem is that sometimes when importing content, the existing comments have the same identifier. This identifier is not currently visible to the user or editable. The problem might occur if you imported chapters individually into a project instead of all at one. Comments with the same identifier cause the colouring-in of text between the comments.

Currently, you can’t change the comment identifiers to be unique, except by deleting them and adding them again. What you can do is exclude them from the export, by clearing Special comment formatting in your OpenDocument configuration; or you can delete the comments from within LibreOffice/OpenOffice: click on the down arrow under the comment, and then click on Delete All Comments.

Why does Jutoh complain about an automatic table of contents when compiling for ODT?

Document KB0231 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe-

See also:

Building a table of contents

Why is a chapter replaced by a table of contents in ODT export?

When compiling an OpenDocument (ODT) configuation, you may get this message:

TIP (Jutoh): consider creating an advanced table of contents to add a better TOC page.

When you don’t have a table of contents in your project, Jutoh can create a simple one based on the titles of your chapters – this happens automatically when the ebook is generated.

However, you may get better results if you create an advanced table of contents – one that appears in your project, and is gathered from the headings in your book. The advantages of doing this include:

you can position the TOC anywhere in your project by dragging it in the project outline;

you can create a multi-level TOC;

you can assign a page style to the TOC, for custom headers and footers;

you can get Jutoh to replace the TOC with a special, ODT-specific TOC that includes page numbers (see below).

To create an advanced TOC, use the menu command Book | Build Table of Contents to show the wizard that will take you through the steps to create an advanced table of contents.

When compiling the ODT file, Jutoh may replace this TOC page with special OpenDocument-specific code that generates the TOC dynamically if you’re using OpenOffice or LibreOffice. The advantage of this is that if you decide to continue editing the ODT document in OpenOffice or LibreOffice, the TOC will magically update based on the heading styles based in the document. Also, the TOC will display page numbers, which is useful for an ODT or PDF file. On the other hand, other word processors may not recognise the special TOC code. If you’d rather just use the TOC exactly as it appears in the Jutoh project, then turn off the configuration option Special table of contents formatting.

To turn off the automatic TOC, clear the configuration option Generate table of contents.

Why do floating images and text boxes imported from ODT or DOCX not show properly?

Document KB0253 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

If a floating image or text box is in its own paragraph, and that paragraph has centre or right alignment, the object can fail to display properly in floating mode within the Jutoh editor, even though it may display in the generated book.

To fix this, toggle View | Preview Floating Objects and make sure either the floating object is not in its own paragraph, or the parent paragraph is aligned left. You can do the editing in either the original word processor, or in Jutoh.KB0253: Why do floating images and text boxes imported from ODT or DOCX not show properly?

If a floating image or text box is in its own paragraph, and that paragraph has centre or right alignment, the object can fail to display properly in floating mode within the Jutoh editor, even though it may display in the generated book.

To fix this, toggle View | Preview Floating Objects and make sure either the floating object is not in its own paragraph, or the parent paragraph is aligned left. You can do the editing in either the original word processor, or in Jutoh.

Why is my heading numbering not working after import from DOCX or ODT?

Document KB0302 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

See also:

Working with numbered headings

Working with fields

How do I add or remove automatic heading numbering?

Jutoh tries to reproduce automatic heading numbering as faithfully as possible when importing from DOCX or ODT files, but sometimes this fails and you need to adjust it manually.

The standard automatic heading numbering facility will work for most needs. Headings will be numbered according to the heading level and a specified numbering style, and the number will always be reset to 1 when a higher-level heading is encountered.

However, if you need to do numbering in a non-standard way, you can use sequence fields instead, inserted via the Objects tab in the Formatting Palette. This field will display the current value of a sequence whose category you specify in the field. The category is defined via Project Properties/Fields & Numbering/Edit Sequence Definitions, and will allow you to specify the heading level at which to restart numbering, along with the numbering style.

A sequence field will normally increment the number before displaying it, but if you edit the sequence field properties and set the Formula property value to 1, it will start again from 1 instead.

Why does Jutoh show ‚XML parsing error‘ when trying to import an ODT file?

Document KB0318 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

Jutoh may fail to read an ODT file, showing this error:

XML parsing error: ’no element found‘

This may be because the ODT file is encrypted. Please try opening it in OpenOffice or LibreOffice and saving it without a password.

What accessibility information can be imported from Word and ODT files?

Document KB0324 aus der internen Jutoh Hilfe.

See also: Making your books accessible

This describes the accessibility information that will be imported into a Jutoh project from a Word (DOCX) or ODT file, and how the information is output to your ebook. Note that not all ereader software makes use of accessibility information.

Word files

Images: you can add a title and description to an image in Word; when imported into Jutoh, the title will be added as the advanced property Title in the Advanced properties page, and the description will be shown in the Alternative text field in the Picture properties page.

The title will be output to the „title“ attribute in HTML, Epub and Kindle, and the alternative text will be output to the „alt“ attribute. If auto captions are being added, then the description may be placed within the caption tag as „details“, in which case the „alt“ attribute will be blank.

Tables: the table title and description will both be imported as title and description in the table properties. They will be output to HTML, Epub and Kindle as „title“ and „summary“ attributes respectively, exception if auto captions are being added, in which case „summary“ will not be output but placed inside the caption as a „details“ tag instead.

Boxes: the box title will be imported as the Title advanced property, and output to HTML, Epub and Kindle as the title attribute for the div.

Document:: Jutoh will also import the title, author, subject and comments (description) if supplied. These will be written to the Epub or Kindle metadata, in the OPF file.

ODT files (LibreOffice)

Images: title and description are imported as for Word above.

Tables: no title or description can be edited in LibreOffice, so no such properties are imported.

Boxes: the box title will be imported as the Title advanced property, and output to HTML, Epub and Kindle as the title attribute for the div.

Document:: Jutoh will also import the title, author, subject and comments (description) if supplied. These will be written to the Epub or Kindle metadata, in the OPF file.

Das war es dann zum Thema Mit ODT (LibreOffice) und Jutoh ein E-Book erstellen.

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